What do we do for the community -

Founded in 1960, The Bethel Historical Society (BHS) both catalogs and archives our town’s grand history while consistently providing events and opportunities to make certain that the past does not remain a distant and out-of-reach era, but a lively and integral part of our modern day.

From the annual Children’s Victorian Christmas Tea Party and Laura Ingalls Wilder celebrations, Halloween events such as our Ghost Tour through Bethel, CT Open House Day, which in 2019 was a Revolutionary War Living History Day complete with soldiers, horses and canons, a Colonial Kids Summer Camp including Revolutionary War Re-enactors, and unique events such as the opening of the 1912 Cornerstone and Time Capsule from the building once located at 84 Greenwood Avenue (Masonic Temple), we offer programming that educates and entertains both adults and children.

Films Produced
And the Swans Still Swim about the History of the Stony Hill Inn and Home Town Victory about the surviving WWII Veterans of Bethel

PT Barnum
In September 2010, working with Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Circus, we were pleased to present Bethel with a life-size bronze statue of P.T. Barnum created by Bethel’s own sculptor, David Gesualdi.

Working with Bethel’s Schools/Town
We have completed 27 years of our Annual Historic Walking Tour of Bethel for all Bethel 2nd graders. We also worked with Bethel 3rd graders to help them experience life in a one-room schoolhouse. We worked with the Town to complete the restoration work on our Spirit of the American Doughboy, located on P.T. Barnum Square, to protect him for another 88 years. We provide community service opportunities for Bethel students such as working with the JROTC. We were the recipient of an Eagle Scout Project, whereby we have four new display cabinets.

We want to make Bethel a destination spot and we need your support, as a member, to help in this effort. Membership dues support programs, collection preservation, general maintenance, and operating costs. As a private non-profit organization, we depend on volunteer support and your becoming a member of BHS is the best way to help us continue our mission. Membership is good for one calendar year.

Bethel Historical Society
40 Main Street - Bethel, CT 06801

NOTE: The Bethel Historical Society is a charitable organization under Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Therefore, your contribution may be tax deductible.
Check with your tax advisor for further details.
REMEMBER if you belong to a corporation or organization with a matching gift program;
please submit a request form to us for that matching gift.  

Thank you very much.

Bethel Historical Society
40 Main Street - Bethel, CT 06801

NOTE: The Bethel Historical Society is a charitable organization under Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Therefore, your contribution may be tax deductible.
Check with your tax advisor for further details.

REMEMBER if you belong to a corporation or organization with a matching gift program;
please submit a request form to us for that matching gift.  

Thank you very much.

MEMBERSHIP/Individual $25






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